Air temperature around the pool is 33-34°C, this is 2-3°C higher than the water temperature, for your child in the pool to fill him/herself comfortable; Water temperature in the pool 31-32°C; Air temperature in the changing rooms 26°C; Warm floors and anti-sliding coating; Swaddle tables, comfortable chair; Spacious changing rooms; Cafeteria with healthy food.
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High Water Quality
Three-leveled system of water clearing OSPA (Germany): Filters, UV-lamp, disinfecting reagents; Continuous circulation and renewal of water; Complete renewal of water during the day; Automatic station controls the amount of reagents in the water 24/7
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Canadian Cedar Sauna
After each training session kids visit Canadian cedar sauna with Himalayan salt emitting healthy essential oils positively affecting both respiratory and cardiovascular systems, joints and skin, as well as freeing from tension and tiredness.
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Theory and Practice Balance in Correct Nutrition
Hot drinks with and without caffeine; Our own kitchen with lunch menu for kids and their parents; We support the healthy nutrition, which is why we are offering freshly made salads, cream soups, steamed garnishes, healthy deserts; We stand for eco-friendliness, that is why we serve dishes and drinks in sugar cane made tableware; Energy-filled breakfasts; Regular lectures and master-classes for parents, for raising parental "expertise"; Cozy Sunday "breakfasts" and parental experience exchange.
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Unique Methods
Especially for our center we developed a unique method for swimming training, by collecting the experience of CIS countries adding Western tendencies: There are always two coaches present in the vicinity of the pool, 1 on ledge, 1 in the water; Small groups; Constant control; Control sessions; Passing of tests; All training sessions are recorded; Error correction for every student.
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Caring Coach-Trainers
We add coach-trainers to the staff by following the feedback from parents and their children, not just people with diplomas, but those who love children, understand their mothers and know how to support them. Quality customer service is our goal.
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The Space Created with Love
We did everything for your kid to be happy doing swimming for pleasure.
Penguin Center Services
All programs have their own methodology, collecting the experience of the CIS countries and complemented by Western trends
The group "Parent and baby" is a group for infants from 2 months old together with moms or dads. This is a great opportunity to strengthen family relationships, get pleasure and pleasant emotions. Early swimming in Minsk at the Penguin Center helps to stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, hardens the baby, as well as promotes a sound sleep!
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Toddlers swimming
A long-awaited event has recently occurred in your family! Your baby has turned 1 year old, which means it's time for new skills and desires. The baby's energy is growing exponentially after a year, which means it's a vital need for him to splash it out, otherwise it is fraught with whims, sleepless nights and hyperactivity of the whole family. The age from 1 to 3 years is fundamental. Learning to swim should be a priority for every family in this age. Our coaches offer innovative methods of teaching swimming to children under 3 years old! We are learning to float and to become water safe as well as blow bubbles, hold their breath, play and learn.
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Swimming for children from 4 years old
Swimming for children from 4 years old is a new stage in the formation of a young sportsmen. Perhaps you have never learned to swim before, you should not stop on the way to mastering the water element. The Penguin Center team knows that at this age, the child has enough strength to perform basic swimming techniques and an inexorable interest in everything new. Let's explain to the "why" that the body holds up better in a horizontal position on the water than in a vertical one. We will fully satisfy the child's interest in exploring the underwater world, using game forms of training. And of course, we will teach you to feel the water and be friends with it.
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Записаться на занятия в группу обучение плаванию детей от 1 года
Записаться на занятия в группу обучение плаванию детей от 4 лет
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5 индивидуальных занятий "На море"
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Аквааэробика для беременных
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This is a story about an ideal place for learning to swim without compulsion, all lessons are played in a playful way and without tears.
Our Coach-Trainers
Место просто супер. Инструктора классные. Чистота, порядок. Вежливый персонал. Ребёнку очень нравится!)
Александр Мацкевич
Впечатления потрясающие! Не ожидал в Минске увидеть такой щепетильный и профессиональный подход к делу. Дизайн шикарен, персонал от ресепшн до бассейна с улыбкой и дружелюбием, уютная кафешка.
Виталий Шикуть
Очень красивая школа плавания: интерьер изумительный, продумано все до мелочей. Приятно находиться, уверена, детки в восторге. Вежливые сотрудники.